Greenheck Group
HVAC systems
Maturity Date: 11/1/2028
Products & Services
Sourcewell contract 080824-GRH and gives access to the following types of goods and services:
- Fans and ventilators
- Centrifugal and vane axial fans
- Energy recovery ventilators (ERV)
- Packaged ventilation systems
- Make-up air units and tempered air products
- Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS)
- Lab exhaust systems and fume exhaust systems
- Dampers
- Louvers
- Indoor air handlers
- High volume low speed (HVLS) fans
- Grilles, registers and diffusers (GRD)
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Sourcewell Contact Information
For questions regarding contract documentation or the solicitation process, please contact:
Phone: 218-895-4207
Phone: 218-558-3339
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